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Video 1

To be safe in marginal conditions it is important to be able to get back into the boat. The number one best strategy if you have flipped and can't get back into your boat is to stay with your boat and move the boat to shore. This is one of the best demonstrations on how to get back into a single. It's in German but you don't need the narrative to get the point. Some good subtle hints here to get the boat in a position. 

1. Note how he flips the boat up so the far gunwhale comes up first to get the oars in a certain position. 

2. He doesn't reach to try and get the far oar in position he goes under the boat to the other side. 

3. He uses the oar in hand to bring the far handle down to position



612endurance, 612 endurance, sculling, rowing, small boats, Lake Nokomis,

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